Home to the Big Tour of England – Locations, donations and everything else is via this LINKS page



Hi, I’m Frank and this is my website about me, the things I do and the things you can ask me to do for you or your company. I have been building my portfolio since starting to freelance in 1996 and launching Frank Publishing in 2000.

I have enjoyed a variety of career experiences. On this website they are divided into three areas, that overlap. Broadly these are: Marketing (Events, Brands Data), Travel (Consumer, Business, Photography and New Markets), Sport (Endurance Running, Blind Guide Running, Event Development, Sports Psychology)

You’ll find more on what I have done and am working on in the relevant areas of the website.

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The Big TOE – After my Tour of England, I’ll start work on the book. Register here to be the first to know when that’s in the pipeline.