Friday 12th July

Beautiful views across the fens look set to dominate a day in the countryside, with the Fenland market town of Chatteris awaiting for lunch. Lunch will be at The Cross Keys, notably voted as a pub haunted by a brown dog. The pub is in the good beer guide and has an eclectic mix of historical decorations.

Chatteris has a museum which notes the town as possibly ‘the last refuge of Boudica’, in flight from the Romans, where she is depicted with the fabled long red hair of the Iceni.

The day ends in Ely, at the cathedral, where we will attempt to find the eels, that the city gets its name from, on the menu.

Smoked eel, eel pie and stew are all rumoured to be available and in May the world eel throwing championships is held, using fake eels. We will try and give that a go.

Post run
The Eel Walk follows eel landmarks around town.


8.00am Peterborough Cathedral

Vicki to visit artworks at Peterborough Museums
The Fens

11.30 Chatteris Museum – The last refuge of Boudica (mile 14)
12noon The haunted Cross Keys at Chatteris

1.30 leave Chatteris
5pm Ely – hopefully for eel throwing, also to see the Sean Henry sculptures inside the cathedral, followed by the eel walk.

Dress Code: Iceni/ Red Hair

Fuel: Eels

Overnight: The Bell Hotel, Mildenhall, This night is the first of three at the hotel where I will attempt to befriend a US serviceman or woman. US citizens make up 30% of the local population because of the RAF base here.