Monday 15th July


Its 27 miles today, so there should be time for a mid morning stop at Peter Beales Roses at mile 10, Attleborough, with Rosarium Restaurant. The garden centre is a veteran of 28 gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Wymondham Abbey is a must, just after mile 17 before heading into Norwich.

Post Run

A walking tour of Norwich followed by a drive through the Broads national park, stopping at Acle bridge en route to the classic seaside town of Great Yarmouth, overnighting in a guest house by the Britannia Pier.


8am Knettishall Heath
10.15am 10.45am  Peter Beales Roses (9.5 miles)
12.30- 13.30 Wymondham Abbey (17 miles)
4pm – Norwich Cathedral and City (27 miles)

Walking Tour
Acle Bridge, Broads National Park
Great Yarmouth

Fuel: The scent of roses at Attleborough, classic fish and chips at Great Yarmouth