Wednesday 24th July


The route goes on and offroad through the same Kent Downs National Landscape that makes the North Downs Way a special National Trail, one that is celebrated each year by many trail running events, including Centurion Running’s NDW 100.

I haven’t followed that route exactly though because doing so would miss Igtham Mote and Chartwell.

The architectural writer John Newman describes Igtham Mote, mile 12, as “the most complete small medieval manor house in the county”.

Knole Park (Deer Park) follows at mile 16. We will divert just before mile 15 to take a look at the setting of National Trust property Knole, which is in the middle of the Park. Knole, and Archbishop’s palace, has an incredible history. I am particularly drawn to the romantic alliance that formed there between Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf, who wrote Orlando, A Biography based on the house, the family and its history.

Chartwell, also National Trust, was home to Winston Churchill and that is directly on the route at mile 22.

Post Run
Charles Darwin’s English Heritage Down House, Orpington will complete a day of visiting the homes of some A-Lister famous Britons.

Audio/Reading – The Land, a novella poem by Vita Sackville-West, Orlando, On the Origin of Species


6.30am Maidstone

8.15am Drinks Mereworth (mile 7)

9.30am – 10am Igtham Mote (mile 12)
11am Knole (mile 16)
12.30pm – 1.30pm – Chartwell (mile 22)
2.30pm Oxted (mile 26)

Post run

Down House, Orpington – home of Charles Darwin (closes 5pm)