
The route gets to Bodmin at the borders of the Cornish National landscape, and the countryside is excellent from there to the end of the day.

Time Permitting – lunch visit from Bodmin to Lanhydrock House – National Trust – filmed for Trevor Nunn’s Twelth Night starring Helena Bonham Carter.

Post Run

An evening visit to the museum of Daphne Du Maurier and Smuggling and a viewing of the film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. A discussion of famous authors and books the south west – Du Maurier, Fowles, Golding, Hardy, McEwan, Conan-Doyle

Torchlight search for the Beast of Bodmin Moor.

Lanhyrock House
Jamaica Inn
Bodmin Moor

Fuel: Ill-gotten gains and plunder

Audio: The Birds, a short story

Dress code: “Cat ears”

Overnight: Cozy Little Hut, Launceston