Thursday 15th August

The route has previously tiptoed around the base of The Cotswold Way via Bath and Corsham, but today it deep dives into the Cotswold region, with Burford a recognised village highlight.

A midday excursion to Sudeley Castle and Hailes Abbey will add plenty of architectural drama.

Cheltenham adds more Instagrammable backdrops as I run to the end of the day.

Post Run

The Racecourse and Pittville Pumprooms will get exterior viewings, whilst dinner in Winchcombe is a Cotswold highlight.
The Racecourse is a must. It is one of the great sporting arenas in England and indeed the world. Nearby Pittville Park is also a good looking visit where a drop of Pump Room water will help me to unveil the Spa town history here.


7am Witney
10.30-1045 drinks and photos, Burford (Mile 6)

11.15-11.30 drinks and photos, Sherborne (Mile 12)

1.15pm Stop, Hazleton  (Mile 19)

Mile 19 – van excursion to Sudeley Castle, including a working lunch. Time permitting we can also visit Hailes Abbey, an English Heritage site.

4.30 Restart at Mile 19, Hazleton

5.45pm Whittington (Mile 24)

7.15pm Cheltenham (Mile 30)

Post run drive past
Pittville Pump Room
Cheltenham Racecourse

8pm Dinner: The classic Cotswold village of Winchcombe

Fuel: The Cotswolds is awash with countrified celebrities so we will try and get hold of, and taste test some Pong Cheese from Blur’s Alex James.
Pittville Water