Friday 16th August


A day of double cathedrals fuelled by double Gloucester, in the footsteps of Dr Foster.
The route looks a picturesque one, between Gloucester and Hereford with a stop en route at Gloucester cathedral.

Post Run

At Hereford a walking tour will reveal a good deal of the city and its surrounds. Mappa Mundi and the Chained Library is a real thing and not a goth band, so we will be keen to see this exceptional map collection at the cathedral library.

Hereford has some excellent gardens, houses and museums to visit for post run tea and cake with Blackfriars Rose Garden, St John Medieval Museum and Kentchester Water Gardens all available.

The Hereford Bull statue is an Insta stop.


7am Cheltenham

8.45 Gloucester Cathedral (Mile 7)

11.30 drinks at Newent (Mile 16)

12.30 Kempley (Mile 20)

2.15pm – 2.30pm drinks stop and van lunch at Mile 27

Vicki to check out Mappa Mundi and the Chained Library at the cathedral ahead of my arrival, and time permitting St John Medieval Museum
4.45pm Hereford Cathedral (Mile 34)

Walking tour to include some of:
Hereford City Centre
Blackfriars Rose Garden or Kentchester Water Gardens
Hereford Bull Statue

Hereford steak, Double Gloucester, Herefordshire Cider

Audio/ Discussion – Dr Foster and other nursery rhymes