Monday 19th August

It’s a history laden route going through historic Warwick and Kenilworth Castle, before Coventry.

At Coventry history takes a more modern focus with a tour of Coventry Transport Museum and the Cathedral, where today’s building sits alongside the remaining shell of the bomb struck one.

After Coventry the route finishes a Meriden, traditionally known, quite possibly inaccurately, as being the Centre of England. A madcap ultramarathon starts there on the Green with the object being to run as many miles away as possible As the Crow Flies in 24 hours.


8am The National Theatre, Stratford
10.15 – 10.30 Warwick Castle (mile 9)
12noon – 1.30pm Kenilworth Castle (mile 15) – lunch break in Kenilworth with my cousin Tim and wife Sue
3.15 – 5.15pm Coventry Transport Museum & Coventry Cathedral [mile 21]
6.30pm Meriden [mile 27]

Post Run
We’ll try and get permission for a visit to Maxstoke Castle, where tours can be arranged.

Fuel: Balti