The route follows or follows close to Hadrian’s Wall Path all day, the last National Trail of the tour. We also enter Northumberland National Park on the route, another last of the Tour.
Roman sites abound with Vindolanda and Housesteads Forts the two most prominent. Vindolanda is just south of the famed Sycamore Gap/ Robin Hood Tree that was felled by vandals last year.
The end of the day’s route is at Wall.

Post Tour
Wall is near to Hexham which has plenty to offer including Haxham Abbey and Old Gaol, and the wonderful looking Museum of Classic Sci-fi with a chance to encounter Daleks.

After dark, weather permitting, we will take a drive north to Kielder and go stargazing in the Northumberland Dark Sky Park.

Hadrian’s Wall
Hexham Abbey
Hexham Old Gaol
Museum of Classic Sci Fi
Northumberland Dark Sky Park

Station Inn, Hexham